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Home care health services provide skilled medical assistance and support to patients who require around-the-clock care to recover from illness, surgery or injury. These home carers will help patients to become as self-sufficient as possible in the comfort of their own homes. At Anova, our trained and experienced home health carers can offer services such as administering medications, vital sign monitoring, various specialized therapies and nursing care.

The Home Health Team assists family members in caring for their loved one in the comfortable and familiar surroundings of their own home whenever possible. Anova Home Health not only focuses on the special needs of the patient, but also provides support to their families. With our team of medical professionals, Anova Home Health strives to meet the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of both the family and the patient.

Anova Home Health recognizes that everyone is a unique individual. With the expert guidance and counseling of our Home Health Team, Patient and families can make their own decisions about what is important to them. Anova Home Health respects the decisions of the family, and helps to create and atmosphere of understanding acceptance.











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Who is eligible to receive Home Health care?

 If you have Medicare you can use your home health care benefit if you meet all of the following conditions: 

Your doctor must order the home health care you are to receive. You must need one of the following: 

In need of skilled nursing care, occupational therapy, physical therapy, or speech therapy

You must be homebound or unable to be left home unassisted

To be Homebound means that leaving home takes considerable and taxing effort

A person may leave home for medical treatment or short infrequent non-medical absences such as a religious service or a trip to the barber

The home health agency must be Medicare-certified

Home health care helps patients to recover at home, cutting down on the number of trips to the hospital. It also gives family members and caregivers the peace of mind that comes with an around-the-clock support system without getting in the way of an independent lifestyle. At Anova, our interdisciplinary team of home caregivers, nurses, therapists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation coaches, social workers and activity coordinators provide personalized care planning that is tailored to the unique needs of every patient.


Skilled Nursing Assessments

Caring for the terminally ill is complex. To ensure that patients receive excellent home care assistance, we work with experienced registered nurses and other healthcare professionals to make accurate assessments based on each patient's unique needs. These assessments then inform the patient’s individualized care plan. 

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Physical Therapy

In the home care setting, a physical therapist can evaluate a patient’s ability to move around safely, determining what problems they have in doing so. Their goal is to ensure that patients don't suffer from unnecessary pain and that maximum comfort is achieved if pain is unavoidable.

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Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists work collaboratively with other home care team members to create a plan that helps their patients to participate in meaningful activities. They also help patients to work through any obstacles that make it difficult to do so.

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Speech Therapy

When a patient is receiving home care, a speech therapist is often brought in to help them with their eating and communication. By using body language, being vocal with loved ones and allowing for communication devices to be used, patients can enjoy comprehensive care and comfort.

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Medical Social Work 

Home care social workers provide patients with a wide range of services so that they can focus on getting better. These services include helping patients to understand their treatment plan and advocate for themselves when they are receiving home care. These professionals also help caregivers to handle the stresses of caring for an ill or disabled family member, connect people to community resources and resolve crisis situations.

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Home Health Aides

Aides are the backbone of any medical team. Though they may not be the ones to take the lead, they're capable of handling a wide range of tasks and situations. They can help patients with physical assistance and provide basic support wherever they are needed. 

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Diabetic Education

IV Therapy

Ostomy Care

Administration of Injections

Gastrostomy Feeding


Rehabilitative Nursing

Mental Health Nursing

Community Resource Planning


Family of founders behind Anova have created a culture of empathy, care and compassion within the organization, which has resulted in our caregivers becoming true partners with their patients and their loved ones. Drawing on their training and years of experience, the team at Anova will take care of all the details of a patient’s care so that families can focus on what really matters — being there for each other during difficult times.



There are two scenarios that you can experience when receiving in-home health services. The first is that you currently have a hospital stay. In this case, your eligibility for the services is already established. After discharge from the hospital and after your physician orders you to need home health services, you will receive a letter from your health insurance company informing you about your eligibility for Medicare or Medicaid.

If you’ve already been discharged, are unable to leave your home or have been discharged from a SNF, speak to your doctor about home health care needs and request Anova. Your doctors, caregivers, and loved ones can contact Anova directly and ask us to visit your home and assess your condition.



Palliative Care in Western Pennsylvania 


For more information on an in-home assessment, or to meet with our Community Relations Representative to learn about any of our services, please call us at 1-888-ANOVA-11. 

Is it time for Home Health?

Answer these questions to determine if Home Health care could help in your situation. Dealing with a serious, life-limiting illness is not easy. Anova Health can help by providing symptom management and support for both the family and caregivers.





Gateway Medicare



PA Health & Wellness

Aetna Commercial

United Medicare

United Medicaid

Gateway Medicaid

Veterans Affairs (VA)



Aetna Medicare

United Commercial

Workers Comp


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101 West Main Street,
Suite 301

Carnegie, PA 15106

Patients & Visitors





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© Copyright 2021. Anova Health Care System,Inc . Home Health Care Web Design: Proweaver


Anova Health Care System complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate, exclude, or treat people differently on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, volunteers, vendors, contractors, and patients.

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